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Watch and see; I will send ELIJAH

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the prophet to you before

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the coming of the great and fear-inspiring

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day of YHVH (read Adonai).


Watch and see what I will do; I will send to you the prophet whose very existence proclaims MY GOD IS YHVH, and I will send him just before the arrival of the long-awaited, climactic day in which THE ETERNAL AND PERSONAL GOD does something which inspires fear or awe.


1: The name Elijah

“El” means “God,” “i” means “my; thus “Eli” means “my God.”  “Jah” is short for the name YHVH, thus the name “Elijah” means “My God is YHVH.” God was promising to send someone who would demonstrate who the true God is, and what it looks like for someone to walk in complete fulfillment of the phrase “my God is YHVH.”


The text only says “before,” but it seems to imply that it will happen shortly before, as a sign that the Great day of YHVH is just around the corner. That is indeed how it happened with the arrive of John the Baptizer 6 months before the arrival of Jesus.


Why would this day cause fear? It is a prophecy about Jesus who came as a little Baby, so why the fear? Well, whenever God does something climactic it is cause for fear among those who are not following God and cause for awe, gratitude and praise among those who are following Him.