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And behold,

there was a man in JERUSALEM whose name was SIMEON;

Go to footnote number

this man was righteous and devout,


waiting for the consolation

Go to footnote number


and the Holy Spirit was upon him.


Now then, get ready to be amazed, for there was a man who lived in THE PEACEFUL PLACE whose name was

“I HAVE BEEN HEARD BY GOD;” this man was righteous and devout, waiting for the comfort of THOSE WHO REFUSE TO LET GO OF GOD, and the Holy Spirit was upon him.


1: The name Simeon

This name means “heard by God.” Simeon had been praying for the consolation of Israel, and God had promised that he would see the Christ before he died. So he waited. Now God had shown that He had indeed “heard” his request.

2: “consolation"

This word is the same one used of the Holy Spirit in John chapters 14, 15 and 16, and is often translated there as “the comforter, the encourager, the advocate, or the one who comes along side.” This man was waiting for the special action of God to bring comfort and encouragement to Israel, and he saw the beginning of it. We are blessed to know the end of the story too, how Jesus sent the Holy Spirit in His place to comfort, encourage, guide and be our advocate.