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And He said to them, “When I sent you without a money pouch, a traveler’s bag, or sandals,

Go to footnote number

did you lack anything at all?” And they said, “Nothing.”

Go to footnote number


Then Jesus said to them, “When I sent you out on that mission without a debit card, without a backpack full of snacks, and without

a suitcase full of extra clothes, i.e. without anything but the clothes on your back, did you lack anything at all?” They answered, “No, we did not lack anything.”



“Sandals” probably means an extra pair of sandals. It is possible that they were bare footed, but it is not likely. I believe that only the poorest people went without shoes, the rest wore sandals. This statement is bigger than just footwear; it is about having extra clothing in general.


Jesus started with this question because this is the main point He was trying to make. This was a reminder of all that He had taught them about dependence on material things and the use of violence. His teachings about material things stated that we must trust God for our “daily bread,” sell all our excess stuff and give the money to the poor. He also reminded them that they had proven by their own experience that God can be trusted to meet their needs. This question was the main point and it set the stage for the topic of preparedness when the need for self-defense became a reality.