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He has helped His servant ISRAEL, remembering mercy,

Go to footnote number 1


He has helped His servant, THE ONE WHO REFUSES TO LET GO OF GOD and His method of helping has proved that showing mercy is still a high priority for Him,



1: “remembering mercy”

The word “remember” in the Bible means much more than a mental process; it is a mental process that motivates to action. Without action one does not have the biblical meaning of “remember.” The words “remembering mercy” mean that God has acted in mercy, has shown mercy, has put mercy to work on our behalf.  God’s mercy was shown mostly through the coming of the Messiah, whom Mary now carried in her womb. The Jews had waited for this savior through 400 long years of silence. God’s method of help is always consistent with His primary qualities. How much Mary realized that this savior would be a spiritual savior rather than a political savior we do not know. But her statement is very true, God’s method of helping Israel definitely included mercy.