Next VerseTranslation
Go to footnote number 1you turn your foot from ______
Go to footnote number 2the Sabbath and from doing your own pleasure on my holy day, and if you call the Sabbath a delight and the holy day of YHVH honorable, and if you honor Him by not doing your own ways nor finding your own pleasures nor speaking [inappropriate] words,
Go to footnote number 3Paraphrase
If you divert your feet away from breaking the Sabbath principles and regulations, and if you refrain from doing whatever pleases you on My Day, the day set apart for my purposes, and if you act in ways that show you consider the Sabbath day to be delightful, and the day set apart for Adonai, THE ETERNAL AND PERSONAL GOD to be worth honoring, and if you honor Him by not doing your own thing, and by not seeking your own pleasure and by not speaking idle words or making business deals on this day,
Verses 13 and 14 are one long “if … then” statement. Verse 13 includes all the “if” clauses, and verse 14 contains the “then” clauses.
In Hebrew, this verb is omitted, however, from the rest of the things that are said in this verse we can get the idea that this clause is a positive statement about obeying the covenant. As you can see from the paraphrase column, something like “breaking or violating” is usually inserted here.
The Hebrew says simply “not speaking words;” from context we know that it must be referring to words that are inappropriate for the Sabbath day. Obviously, these would be evil words, but they also could be idle words, or even the making of business deals on this day.