1 Corinthians13:6

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It does not rejoice

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at unrighteousness,

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but rather rejoices together with

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it does not rejoice in gain acquired by deceiving others, but rather it rejoices when moral truth revealed by God prevails.



“rejoice”: comes from the same root as the words “grace” and “joy.” This word has the meaning of “rejoice, be glad” but the idea of grace or favor is never far from sight. Therefore, it can mean “to look favorably on something or someone” or “to be pleased with something or someone.” Yet, to render it with these last two phrases seems weak compared to the verbs true power, so something like “rejoice, or delight in” seems best.


This is the word “righteousness or justice” with a negative particle added. However, the usage of this negative form of the word often pointed to “gain acquired from deceiving others.” Context must help us decide if this word was being used of wrong-doing in general or of “gaining from others through deceit.” Here the emphasis is on relationships with others so I favor the more specific meaning, as indicated in my paraphrase.

3: “rejoice together with”:

The same verb is used here as earlier in the verse, except that now it is tied with the preposition “with” bringing the meaning of “rejoice together with.”