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For nothing in all creation is hidden from Him; but all things are stripped naked and cut wide open

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before the eyes of Him to whom our reckoning is due.

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For nothing about our lives or anyone else’s life can be hidden from God; instead every aspect of our lives is stripped of the protective coverings we use to hide the bad stuff and it reveals things we don’t even know are there; they are all perfectly clear in God’s eyes, and it is He who prepares the scorecards for our lives.



“Stripped naked” reveals things that are covered by clothing, “cut wide open” would reveal things on the inside of a person, their entrails, their organs. Both of these words are quite graphic and therefore powerful.


This is the word “logos” which means many things, including “word, revelation, logic, reasoning.” It can also mean “a reckoning or an accounting for one’s actions,” even the idea of “the score” that has been kept.