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For the word of God is living and energetic;

Go to footnote number

it is sharper than a two-edged sword, and it can penetrate so far as to divide the soul from the spirit,

Go to footnote number

or divide the joints from the marrow of the bones, and it is able to judge the thoughts and intentions of the heart.


For the word of God is alive, not dead or lifeless, and it is able to work and accomplish what God wants; it is able to penetrate deep within, in fact it can cut through things that no one can see and can separate what seems to be completely intertwined or

penetrate deep and deeper; it is also able to separate the thoughts and intentions of one’s heart as good or bad.



We get our word “energy” from this Greek word.

2: “soul and Spirit”

We often think of these two things as either the same things, or very similar, although some make the effort to define them differently. The people of ancient times debated the same issues. But let me tell you that both of these words mean “breath” and both mean “spirit,” similar to the overlap of similar words in Hebrew. I believe they were used in this way because of the similarities of these words, not due to any slight differences they may possess.