And in the seventh month, on the seven and tenth day of the month, the ark rested
Go to footnote numberon the mountains of ARARAT. (See comment below.)
Go to footnote numberParaphrase
On the seventeenth day of the seventh month [of the 600th year of Noah’s life], the ark [bearing the man of rest] came to rest on one of the mountains called THE HIGH PLACES. (See comment below.)
1: "rested":
The word used here comes from the same root as the name Noah; it means “rested” and Noah’s name means “comfort of rest.”
2: Aratrat
It was and is known as Urartu by the people of that region, which was Armenia, and is now the easternmost edge of Turkey. The name appears to mean “high place” because of the mountains that have occupied that region since the Genesis flood. Greater Ararat is 16,945 feet high. God did indeed settle His ark on a high place to indicate that He alone controls access to Himself, and there are no other gods.
The Ararat Massif is about 25 miles (40 km) in diameter. Ararat consists of two peaks, their summits about 7 miles (11 km) apart. Great Ararat, or Büyük Ağrı Dağı, which reaches an elevation of 16,945 feet (5,165 meters) above sea level, is the highest peak in Turkey. Little Ararat, or Küçük Ağrı Dağı, rises in a smooth, steep, nearly perfect cone to 12,782 feet (3,896 meters). Both Great and Little Ararat are the product of eruptive volcanic activity. (
It was almost two months after it became obvious that the waters were receding that the Ark went aground. One possibility is that the ark landed on Little Ararat, with Greater Ararat already well-exposed. The problem there is that Little Ararat is an almost perfectly formed volcanic peak, with steep slopes. The better option in my opinion is that it landed on Greater Ararat but on the opposite side from Little Ararat so they could not see little Ararat from where they had landed. Indeed there is a level area on the side of Greater Ararat that is almost on the opposite side from Lesser Ararat, so that Little Ararat cannot be seen from there. It is there that the ark could rest in a quasi-level position.