looked at all that He had made, and behold,
Go to footnote number 1it was very good!
Go to footnote number 2It was evening, and it was morning, the sixth day.
Then THE CREATOR AND OWNER OF ALL THINGS took a careful look at everything He had made, and (let the reader take note) He said, “Yes! It’s just the way I wanted it. I really like it!” That culminated the passing of the transition points from daylight to darkness, then from darkness to daylight again, and it was once again time for the following transition, meaning that another full day had passed, it being the sixth day.
“Behold” is a form of emphasis; it is either an expression of amazement, surprise or simply a way to signal to the reader to pay close attention. In this case it is the latter, for God was not surprised at the outcome, but it is important for the reader to know that the outcome was just what God had desired and intended it to be.
2: ”very good”
We don’t know if God said anything out loud, or if so, what He said; this is simply a powerful way to express this idea. This time God surveyed everything, not just a specific aspect of creation, and He declared it “very good,” meaning just as He had intended, fit for His purpose. If it was fit for His purpose, that meant it was a good representation of who He is, an accurate visible expression of who God is. This means we can learn many things about God by observing His creation. If God was very pleased with all His Creation, that would also mean there was no sin, no suffering, no violence, and no death present in the original order of things.