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for the husband is the head

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of the wife, as also CHRIST is the head of the assembly of the called-out ones, He Himself being the Savior of the body.

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because a husband is the leader of his wife in the same way that THE SPIRIT ANOINTED MESSIAH is the leader of the church, a role He deserves because He became the Savior of this body of people [through His own sacrifice].



The Greek word meaning “head” can refer to a person or animal’s physical head, or in a figurative sense to a person with authority over others, a leader. Some claim that the word can also mean “source.” I agree with Wayne Gruden, who wrote an article called, “Does Kephalē (Head) Mean ‘Source’ or ‘authority over’ in Greek Literature? A Survey of 2,336 Examples.” The two primary points of his article were: 1) The support for the claim that “head” means “source” is surprisingly weak and unpersuasive; 2) The evidence to support the claim that “head” means “authority over” is substantial. His article was sharply criticized and therefore he has written a response to those criticisms. His entire response was published as Appendix A of the book Recovering Biblical Manhood and Womanhood. His response is quite thorough – 42 pages long.


Here it only mentions that Jesus is the Savior, it does not specifically say that He became our Savior by sacrificing His own life. However, it does not need to be spelled out because the sacrificial death of Jesus is such a central theme in the New Testament that it is enough to simply hint at it. For this reason I do mention the sacrifice of Jesus in my paraphrase, although in brackets. This idea of self-sacrifice will come up again very shortly.