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of which I became completely dusty

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according to the undeserved gift of the grace

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of THEOS freely given to me according to His energizing,

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dynamic power,

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and I became a fast-moving servant of this good news through an undeserved gift full of the gracious working of THE CREATOR AND OWNER OF ALL THINGS which He freely gave me, accompanied by the active power to really get things done,


1: "completely dusty":

We get our English word “deacon” from this Greek word. It is often rendered “to be a servant or a slave” but it comes from two words, the first of which can mean (among other things) “thoroughly, completely” and the word “dust,” therefore, the most literal meaning of the word is “completely dusty.” It was used to communicate the idea “to move so quickly as to kick up dust while running an errand or waiting on tables.” Unfortunately, when we Americans hear that the word is usually rendered “servant or slave,” we ask, “Which one is it? Is it a servant who has some degree of freedom, or is it a slave, who has no freedom?” But the emphasis of the Greek was on the amount of energy being expended in the act of serving. Our emphasis should likewise be on the intensity of our service.

2: “gift of the grace”:

Here we have two different words used to make the phrase “the gift of the grace.” In other cases the word for “grace” also serves as the word for “gift” because it can mean both.

3: "energizing":

We get our words “energy, energize” from this Greek word which can best be described as “power in action.”


Here once again we have the word for “ability, capability, make possible, power to do,” and the Greek word from which we get our word “dynamite.” This kind of power comes from God and will definitely “get er done.”