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which in other generations

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has not been made known

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to the sons of men in the same manner that it has now been revealed

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in the realm of the Spirit, to His holy ones who have been sent

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and who speak forth God’s will,


which in previous times was not made clear to everyone, at least not in the same way that it has now been fully uncovered through a close connection to the Holy Spirit to God’s apostles and prophets whom He has purified,


1: "generations":

The is the word for “generations” but it also means “ages, or eras.”

2: “to make known”

This is a variation on the word “to know.”

3: "revealed":

We get our word “apocalypse” from this word, but the Greek word has nothing to do with blood, destruction, catastrophe, or zombies; it meant “to reveal, to uncover, to make clear.” The book of revelation, called “The Apocalypse” in some languages, is the revelation of Jesus to John through a vision.

4: "ones who have been sent":

This word means “sent ones” and “apostles” are ones who were sent for a specific task. We get our word “apostles” from this Greek word.