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For he does not know

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what will happen, so who can tell him what will occur?

Go to footnote number


This guy is unaware of what the final outcome will be because he does not understand why this is happening to him, and who thinks they can get through to him to make him understand clearly what will happen to him?


1: “he does not know”

This is the more literal and more difficult reading of the text. Many translators choose to render it “no one can know,” because it cleans it up. However, when we do that we risk moving away from the intended meaning. I think he is still speaking about the person used as an example in the previous verse. This whole section is about obeying authority and he has given an example of someone who did not do so and will reap the negative consequences as the paraphrase column depicts.


Now the topic will be wrapped up by a slight change in focus. He has been focusing on obedience to authority figures, himself being one of those. However, Solomon realizes that he also is under authority and that the consequences of obedience or disobedience will reach into eternity. By making a veiled reference to eternity he is also making a veiled reference to God, who is the ultimate authority.