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I said in my heart, “ELOHIM will judge the righteous and the wicked, for there is time there

Go to footnote number 1

for every pleasure,

Go to footnote number 2

for every deed.”

Go to footnote number 3


I said to myself, “THE RULER OVER ALL THINGS will judge the righteous and the wicked, for a time has been appointed for the judgment

of every activity we choose to get involved in, and for every action in general.”


1: “a time there”

The text does not use the word “judgment” twice, instead it uses the word “there” as if the judgment were a place.


“Pleasure” is the primary meaning of this word; it is used here to indicate an activity we are involved in because we choose to do so, assuming that the choice is based on our desire and we are not forced to do it.

3: “every deed”

This word is very similar to the word used above to indicate an action or activity, but this one is more general. It can mean “an action, a deed done, something made or created.” It is used here as a parallel to the word used in the previous phrase, the only difference being that this one does not communicate the choice or desire of the person doing the act; this word can include activities we are forced to do either by an authority figure or by the vicissitudes of life.