and when the doors to the street are shut, and the sound of the mill is low, and when one is awakened by the sound of a bird,
Go to footnote number 1but the melodious songs grow faint,
Go to footnote number 2Paraphrase
and when the lack of teeth makes the mouth close unnaturally, and
when the ears can no longer hear the common sound of the hand mill, and when one cannot sleep through little sounds, but
the ears are not capable of distinguishing and enjoying those sounds,
The word his is “rise up, or arise,” and it is often used of waking from sleep in which case it need not mean that the person has gotten up out of bed.
2: “melodious”
The word used here is “daughters.” But instead of meaning that “all the daughters of music are brought low,” “daughters” is used as a word picture of something beautiful, thus, “the beautiful or melodious songs grow faint.”