Remember that you were a slave in the land of EGYPT and that YHVH (read Adonai) your ELOHIM brought you out of there with
a mighty hand and an outstretched arm.
Go to footnote number 1Therefore, YHVH (read Adonai) your ELOHIM has commanded you to observe
Go to footnote number 2the Sabbath day.
Call to mind often the fact that you were a slave in the land that is BOUND BY SIN and that THE ETERNAL AND PERSONAL GOD who is also your CREATER AND RULER rescued you from that place with demonstrations of His powerful acts and with
proof of His concern for you. That is why the THE ETERNAL AND PERSONAL GOD who is also your CREATER AND RULER has commanded you to
do everything required in relation to the day on which we pause.
1: “Outstretched”
His arm was not limp by His side; He chose to do something. This shows initiative, which shows concern.
2: “observe”
This is actually the verb “to do, or to make,” although it has a number of secondary uses, such as “to observe” a holiday or a religious ritual. However, the ancient Hebrews never lost sight of the fact that the command was to “do something,” i.e. “do that thing or set of things associated with that day” or “Make happen everything you need to make happen in order to appropriately celebrate this day”. In this way the verb “to do” is fully inclusive of everything required on that day, and it is a concise yet powerful way to communicate all those requirements. However, “to observe” or “to keep” the Sabbath are acceptable translates in that they imply a proper “doing” of all that is expected on that holiday (the Sabbath is indeed a type of holiday, which means holy day).