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you shall bring the two of them out to the gate of the city and you shall kill them by casting

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[on them]; the young woman on account of this reason, because she was in the city and did not cry out, and the man on account of this reason, because he humiliated the wife of his fellow. In this way you shall put the evil from among you.


you shall place them [tied up] just outside the city gate and you shall execute them by throwing one big stone per person from the top of the wall of the city gate. Do this to the young woman because she probably wanted to have sexual relations, otherwise she would have screamed and she would have been heard because there were people close by. Do this to the man because he shamed a young woman who was pledged to be the wife of a fellow citizen. If you follow through with this punishment you will make this type of evil very rare because no one will want to suffer the same fate.



This is simply the verb to cast or throw. It came to be used of stoning someone, hence some versions render this part of the verse “stone them with stones,” but the repetition is not necessary because this word basically means to throw.