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And from the time that the regularly repeated [thing] is removed

Go to footnote number 1

and the detestable thing [that causes] desolation is set up,

Go to footnote number 2

[there will be]

Go to footnote number 3

a thousand two hundred and ninety days.

Go to footnote number 4


Also realize that after

things get as bad as you have ever seen them get and you have witnessed the worst thing you could possibly imagine along with its horrible consequences,

then you will need to hang on just a little bit longer.


1: “regularly repeated thing”

This is referring to the daily sacrifices, but the word “sacrifices” is not used. You are expected to use the context to realize what the speaker meant. Notice that there are three things in this verse that are not stated but must be assumed. Leaving things out like that is typical of ancient Hebrew.


I believe “that causes” is more accurate than “of” because neither “the detestable thing” (commonly translated “abomination”) nor “desolation” are in a possessive form, which would call for “of”.


The word “until” is conspicuous by its absence. This starts out sounding like a “from…until” statement, but the speaker never arrived at “until;” he left it to the hearer/reader to assume what would happen after 1,290 days. Even though this passage does not mention the Messiah specifically, it can be assumed that the coming of the Messiah (either His first coming or His last coming, or both) is implied by the unspoken “until” of this verse. Verse 1 of this chapter says “your people shall be delivered,” which would bring to their minds the coming of the Messiah.


Here “days” must be figurative. This is one case in which it does not work to interpret it literally because we now know that there were more than 1290 days between the abomination of Antiochus IV and the coming of Jesus. The ancient Jews would have understood days to mean literal days unless the context demanded something different. We are not at liberty to make the word “day” mean whatever length of time we wish, as some erroneously do with Genesis chapter 1, in which the context uses several mechanisms to point to literal days. The use of days in Daniel 12:11 and 12:12 are an exception to the norm because the context points to a symbolic usage and history has verified that it must be symbolism.