2 Thessalonians2:9

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whose arrival [the lawless one’s arrival] on the scene

Go to footnote number

is according to the working of SATAN in all power

Go to footnote number

and in signs and feats that cause wonder but are false,


The lawless one’s glorious arrival on the scene will be based on the power of THE ADVERSARY;

it will be manifested in false attempts to reveal immense power to get things done, in pretending to have the ability to work miracles, and in amazing feats which make people wonder but are really frauds;


1: “arrival on the scene”

This is the same word usually used of Jesus and His second coming. The pretender will also arrive on the scene in great glory and fanfare, pretending to be the only one who can resolve a tough situation. But it will all be the work of Satan. All the demonstrations of power will be fakes, hollow attempts to hide his true condition which is one of weakness.


“Power” we get English words like “dynamite, dynamic, and dynamo” from this Greek word. Used properly it points to the power to get work done, but in this case it was only someone pretending to be able to get things done.