2 Thessalonians2:8

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And then the lawless one will be revealed,

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whom the LORD JESUS will put an end to

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with the breath of His mouth

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of his mouth, and will render inoperable

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by the glorious display

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of his arrival,


Then the lawless one will be shown for what he really is, and the SUPREME RULER, who is THE SAVIOR, will remove any possibilities of him having further influence; He will do this with His words of truth. In the same way Jesus will render the lawless one’s efforts useless and his claims null and void when He arrives on the scene with obvious glory and demonstrations of great power.


1: “revealed”

he will no longer work secretively, but openly.


This word can mean “take away, remove, make an end to, or kill, abolish.” Notice that the main idea is not to kill, but to remove out of its present place or from its current state. The lawless one will deceive many people, but Jesus will use truth to remove him and his influence.


This is the word for spirit, which also means “breath.” If Jesus conquers His enemies with the breath of His mouth, it means that He does so with His words.

4: “render inoperable”

This word also does not focus on killing or destroying, but on rendering someone incapable of being a threat. It can also be translated “to abolish, to annul, to bring to naught, or to sever or separate.”

5: “glorious display”

The word used here means “revealing, manifestation, or revelation” which will be done in a manner that is glorious and brilliant. In a beautiful irony, this word “epiphany” was one of the names of Antiochus IV, who was the one to fulfill the prophecy of Daniel and the one Jesus was referring to in Matthew 24:15. His full name, Antiochus Epiphany ho Theos Victor meant something like “I, Antiochus am the glorious revelation of the victorious God.” But he was wrong. Jesus is the true and glorious revelation of the only true God; Jesus is also the only one who can claim to always be victorious in all his encounters and therefore lives without end. In ancient combat (especially in hand-to-hand combat), one loss usually meant you lost your life, so you were no longer around to fight again. That is partially why the glorious revealing of Jesus when He arrives to demonstrate His power will effectively abolish the one who will be filling the shoes of the long dead Antiochus. Just like the first Antiochus died, and the next one to fill his shoes (Titus the roman) also died, so this last one will also experience death. Jesus voluntarily submitted himself into the grip of death, but death could not hold Him, so He rose from the dead and never will see death again.


In modern times we often ignore the fact that the glorious display of His arrival has already happened once just like Jesus predicted in Mt 16:27-28 and Mt 24:30. It does not sound very glorious to us, but only God could permanently remove the system that He had established and replace it with a better one. The destruction of the temple was the confirmation of that very thing, and therefore it proved that Jesus was the long-awaited Messiah. In that way it did show His power and it brought Him glory.