2 Corinthians3:3


It is being revealed that you are a letter from Christ, cared for and delivered

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by us, which was not engraved

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with ink, but with the Spirit of the living THEOS, nor on tablets

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of stone but on the tablets of human hearts.


It is evident that you are like a letter from Christ to others, (carefully guarded and delivered by me and my companions) but this is not a normal letter written with ink on paper, rather this is a letter that was engraved by the Spirit of THE CREATOR AND OWNER OF ALL THINGS who is alive and active; neither is it engraved on tablets of stone like the Former Covenant summary, rather it has been engraved on the surface of human hearts.



The verb I have rendered as “cared for and delivered” comes from the same root as the word “deacon” which means “servant.” Since it refers to a letter the idea of delivering the letter is fitting, but I wanted to bring in the other aspects of service as well, hence the use of the words “cared for.” The reason they were a letter from Christ to others was the ministry of Paul and his companions to them.


The word which I have rendered the first time as “written” is the Greek word from which we get our word “engrave;” they even sound similar. Besides “engrave”, it could also mean “to write or to inscribe.” In Greek it is used once in this sentence, but it is assumed two other times. English flows better if it is written out each time.


What I have rendered as “tablets” means “any flat, broad, smooth, level surface.” Here this word is perfect for this setting because it can refer to more than one thing. i.e. the material the Former Covenant summary was written on, which we know was stone, or whatever is inside us that is receptive to God’s instructions (called the heart, the soul, or the inner man).