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and she must remove the clothes in which she was captured,

Go to footnote number

and then remain in your house and mourn for her father and mother for a full month, and after that you may go into to her and be her husband and she shall be your wife.


She cannot continue to walk around in the nice clothes and fashion accessories she wore on the day of battle. The time given for her to mourn the loss of her parents and to become a convert to Judaism is 30 days. After that you may marry her. You must treat her in all the ways that are proper for a man to treat a wife, and she must treat you in all the ways that are proper for a wife to treat a husband.



It was a custom in ancient times for women to dress in their fanciest clothes if they thought an invading army had a good chance of being successful in conquering the city and taking them captive. They wanted to be attractive and chosen as a wife rather than made a lowly slave, or simply killed. That fancy outfit would include jewelry and other things which were liable to be connected to the worship of idols. Besides that, once chosen, it was time to go back to real life.