1 Timothy3:2

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It is necessary

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for the overseer to be above reproach, the husband of one wife, vigilant,

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inwardly sound,

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one who loves strangers, is skilled at teaching,


It is necessary that the supervisor that inspects the work not be culpable in any way, not follow the traditions of wealthy and worldly men when it comes to marriage, is cautious and careful, is able to control his inner desires, keeps his life well in order, is hospitable to strangers, is a skilled teacher which implies he is also a good learner,



This word can also mean “proper or appropriate,” but since it is a strong word I choose to stick with its root meaning which is ”necessary.”


This word usually has to do with refraining from drinking too much alcohol (sober) but the list continues in the next verse with the words “not hooked on wine,” so this usage probably refers to things that are not related to alcohol. Here it is likely to mean “vigilant, careful, cautious, wary, and guarded.” The leader of a group of believers needs to be cautious and vigilant against false teaching, against sin and wrong attitudes, against worldliness, etc.


This is a compound word coming from “sound or safe” and “mind, heart, inner being.” This word paints a picture of someone who has self-control over what is inside of him, and is able to regulate himself inwardly. This word is the Greek precursor of our word “diaphragm.” It is with our diaphragm that we control our breathing and it is sometimes connected to heart rate. They knew back in ancient times that the diaphragm helps us regulate things (like breathing) inside our body. Therefore this word is a picture of someone who knows how to regulate what is inside of him, his anger, desires, emotions, purpose, etc.


This is from the word we know as “cosmos” which means “ordered, well-ordered, virtuous, well-prepared and the world as a place of order.”