1 Corinthians7:5

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Do not deprive one another except if as with one voice you agree

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for a time, so you can devote yourselves fully to prayer; then be together again the same [as before], so that SATAN may not tempt you due to your lack of self-control.


Do not deprive each other of sexual satisfaction within marriage. However, like everything, I can think of an  exception, and that is if you come together as one to decide to dedicate yourselves in an undistracted way to prayer for a specific period of time rather than meeting your physical needs. But after that time has passed, be sure to come together again in the way that meets your sexual needs, as you did before, otherwise, if you try to maintain that level of restraint for too long, you might fall for the temptations of THE ADVERSARY due to your lack of self-control.



We get our word “symphony” from this word which literally means “with one voice.”


So far in this passage Paul has said the following: He has introduced the idea that he wishes to develop – that for the present situation, he thinks it is best if people do not get married during this time. However, he quickly gives a disclaimer because he knows that some will not be able to withstand sexual temptations and will make poor choices. Those who are weak in that way should indeed get married in order to have their sexual needs met. In fact, spouses are obliged to meet each other’s sexual needs, it is not optional. What’s more, they should not consider their body to belong to them but to belong to their spouse. Therefore, do not deny your spouse the meeting of their sexual needs, unless it is for something very specific that you agree on together as being of greater value that sex.

Paul does not seem to have much confidence in the believers in Corinth. He doesn’t think they can control their sexual desires if they are not married, and within marriage he doesn’t think they can control their sexual desires if they try to restrain themselves for too long. His lack of confidence was probably based on what he saw while he was with them in person.