1 Corinthians3:17

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If anyone destroys

Go to footnote number

the temple of THEOS, THEOS will destroy him, for the temple of THEOS, which you are, is holy.


If anyone causes spiritual damage by means of spiritual corruption to the house where THE CREATOR AND OWNER OF ALL THINGS lives, THE CREATOR AND OWNER OF ALL THINGS will cause him physical damage, i.e. death, for the house where THE CREATOR AND OWNER OF ALL THINGS lives is holy, and you are that house!



The verb I have rendered in the translation column as “destroys” is used twice in this verse. It can mean “to destroy, damage, ruin, defile, corrupt, or spoil, deteriorate or degenerate.” It comes from a root that means “to waste away, or to degenerate.” Because the first instance refers to a spiritual dwelling, the type of damage must be spiritual damage caused by spiritual corruption; because the second refers to the physical body, the type of damage must be physical damage, i.e. death.