Troublesome Topic: When Jesus Leads a Home

Lesson 14 of 16

God holds the only true authority.

But God often asks others to exercise authority under Him as an extension of His authority. That is the case with the Husband.

When a husband exercises his God-given authority properly, it is as if Jesus were acting as head of that household.

Obviously, we husbands do not utilize God’s authority flawlessly and thus we are not flawless portraits of how God works. But when we strive to use God-given authority for His glory, not our own desires, it is as if Jesus were leading that home. Even if we do this imperfectly, the principle still applies. God sees the heart. While God has a high standard of holiness, it is matched by the level of His grace.

 Wives, if you resist your husband’s authority, you are resisting God’s authority.

But if you encourage his leadership, you will be following God’s leadership (in a limited way) and honoring God.