Troublesome Topic: Example #3 Two Working Together

Lesson 3 of 5

Matthew 24:40


At that time two

will be in the field,

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one is

received and

the other one is rejected.

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When this event happens, two men will be working together at their daily tasks as they always do, one will be received and rewarded because he is righteous, the other will be rejected and punished because he is not righteous.

Matthew 24:41


Two women are grinding with the mill,

one is received

and one is rejected.


Two women are working together at their daily tasks as they always do, one is received and rewarded because she is righteous, one is rejected and punished because she is not righteous.

One Is Received, One Is Rejected

This refers to when the Son of Man makes His appearance in full power and glory. It will have nothing to do with the Romans or any other political power; it will have everything to do with bringing punishment and reward to each individual. If this event were predictable or expected, both individuals in each case would be ready for it. But the time of completion will be unexpected.

If one believes in a rapture of the saints along the lines of the timelines promoted by most modern prophecy experts, the words “taken and left” make perfect sense and do not raise any eyebrows. However, please understand that such an interpretation is not the only one possible, in fact, another is just as viable, if not more so. The primary meaning of the first word is “to receive, or take;” the primary meaning of the latter is “to send, or to send away.” This fits perfectly with an understanding of prophecy which states simply that Jesus will return to reward the righteous and punish the wicked. I believe that is the intended meaning here.

Prophecy experts have developed an elaborate timeline that says that several thing must happen before the final judgment. I am convinced that we cannot know how these things will play out and the book of Revelation is not about the future; it is intended as encouragement for those suffering under persecution or intense opposition. It is possible that some things will happen between the moment when Jesus returns and when judgment is rendered, or it is possible that it will be swift and immediate. However, the pattern in Scripture, is that when a powerful ruler shows up on the scene, he takes action quickly, with no delays. We cannot be sure about this, but my guess would be that when Jesus makes His appearance as the ruler and judge over all creation, His judging will be immediate.

Matthew 24:42


So stay awake and watching,

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because you do not know what day your Lord will come.

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(the same: So stay awake and watching, because you do not know what day your Lord will come.)

The next lesson is: Example #4 The Arrival of a Burglar



The implication here is that they will be working together in the field. This would usually be a father and son. Sometimes a landowner worked with his servants in the field, but just like today, the bigger the business the less the boss gets his hands dirty. Since there are only two of them, it seems most fitting to consider it a father and son. At any rate, these are two individuals who know each other well, and have worked side by side for some time. They know each other’s habits and flaws, but only God sees the heart. The fact that Jesus gave two examples that were very similar seems to imply that the first example was met with some odd facial expressions, so He gave another one just like it so they would be sure to get the point. He was talking about people who, from outward appearance, both looked equally ready. His audience would expect both to be ready because He was talking about people who were good Jews. They would expect the son to be like his father. But no, God sees the heart and judges each one fairly and firmly.


That is what these words mean in their most basic forms, “received and rejected.” The first word can sometimes mean “taken” although “received” is the root idea, however it is a very big stretch to make the second word mean “left behind.” Literally it means “to send away.”


Why did the disciples need to be alert and keep watching? Jesus could have said it another way. “You have been interested all along in seeing the Messiah figure show up in all his power and glory. I have been trying to tell you that some of your assumptions have been wrong. I will show up on the scene and will show my power, but it will not be as you expect. Therefore, you will need to stay alert to what is really going on or you will miss it.” Why do those of us in the modern era need to stay alert? I can picture Jesus saying to us, “I will show up someday to punish and reward, so be sure you are in the group that will be rewarded. The way you can be sure is to follow what I have told you in my Word. Don’t make it up on your own. Follow my Word diligently and precisely.”


This is the simpler word for “come,” but both of them are used in this passage with much the same intent and force. Both verbs translated “come” can mean, among other things, “visit upon someone a reward or punishment.” The more specific one includes in its definition that the person coming is a person of great authority. The more common and simple term used here does not indicate who is coming, but we know from context that the reason for His coming is the same – to punish and reward. The point is obvious, live in such a way that you will be rewarded not punished. The only way to do that is to follow God’s Word carefully.