Its purpose is to teach us to be more like God and to think like God thinks. Therefore, prayer is not an attempt to get God to do what want Him to do, rather it is a small but disciplined step closer to God’s heart. In prayer we do not change God; He changes us.
God is God and He will do whatever He wants to do. Our praying does cannot change God’s purpose. We cannot convince Him to do something that He was not already planning to do.
We have always heard that prayer is effective, and that God responds to our prayers. That is true, but only in a few, limited ways. The only things that prayer changes are: The time and place in which God acts, and the means by which He acts.
By learning to carry a burden for others that is similar to God’s burden for them, just on a smaller scale, and by learning to feel the pain God feels for the lost, it becomes more likely that God will do what He planned on doing in a place and time that will allow us to see Him act and give Him praise for it. He may also choose to make us a part of the means by which our prayers are answered. He wants to work in and through someone who feels a burden and has a partial understanding of His heart; in contrast someone who is clueless about those things is not likely to be used by God to meet that need. Or, if God does not use us to fill the need, He is likely to choose a means in which we can recognize His hand at work and give Him glory. Those who have not been praying burdened prayers, but only asking for things for themselves, will not recognize God’s hand at work even when it is acting close to them.
Therefore, since true prayer is coming along side God in His great work and asking Him do what He has already said He wants to do in a way that we can see it and give Him praise, it is effective at changing the way God does what He was planning on doing so we can be drawn into it. A faith-filled prayer that seeks to give God glory can cause God to decide to do something in an obvious way (a miracle), instead of working imperceptibly over time. God has a great number of tools in His toolbox; our praying does not change what God does, but it can influence His decision about which tool He grabs to do the job.
Praying for God’s will and God’s glory can also change our perspective. It can allow us to accept a solution that we otherwise would not accept, or see solutions that we did not know existed. When we pray for God’s glory, it doesn’t matter what happens to us. Do you remember the time recorded in Acts chapter 12 when Peter was in jail and the believers, including a girl named Rhoda, were praying for him to be released? God could have chosen to leave Peter in prison for a long time in order to be a witness to the other prisoners and even the guards. That would have brought Him glory. But because they were praying for his release, God chose to miraculously bring him out of that jail and back to them. This strengthened their faith and allowed Peter to minister to the general public, instead of to those inside the prison. Either way would have brought God glory and provided ministry to others, so God’s purpose did not change, only the when, where and how of God’s purpose were affected by the believers’ prayers.
When our needs are met according to God’s design and Purpose for us, they will be met in the way that is truly best for us; but if He were to meet our needs in the ways that we want them met, the results would not be the best ones for us, not even close.
True prayer is one of the most sublime aspects of following God, it causes us to grow closer to God in unique ways and spurs us to faith and obedience on a whole new level. God is calling us to something bigger, higher, greater and more wonderful that we ever imagined. Let’s not turn this opportunity into a “gimme, gimme” begging session. Let’s think about other people instead of ourselves; let’s connect with God in His way and for His glory and see how close someone can actually get to the Creator of the universe.
We should repent for having turned something that should be about God’s will and His glory, into something we want. We should ask Him to help us train our thoughts and desires to put Him first in our praying. We should choose to learn the heart of God through burdened, God-glorifying prayer for others.
If prayer’s effectiveness in changing outcomes is limited, what does that mean about the importance of prayer? When we realize that prayer only changes God’s actions in three limited ways, would we be right to conclude that prayer is less important than we have been told?
I hope the definition and description of true prayer that I have been sharing with you has not caused you to think less of prayer, but to think more highly of prayer, to lift it up, to appreciate it more. If we use prayer correctly, it should be ever-increasing in its level of sublimeness.
When we recognize that prayer only changes God’s actions in three specific ways, we are allowing God to be God, and we are not trying to tell Him what to do. We are joining Him in what He is already doing and trusting that He knows the best way to accomplish His goals. Recognizing that prayer is not limitless, not a blank check, clears up much confusion about prayer, and gives it a higher purpose. It takes me out of the central position and puts God back in the center where He belongs. If we look at it selfishly, we will be disappointed to realize that asking for stuff we want will not always bring a positive answer, but if we look at it from a spiritual perspective, we will see that prayer is one of God’s most effective tools for spiritual growth.
I have more to say about the importance of prayer in the next lessons entitled WHY PRAYING IS ONE OF THE MOST IMPORTANT THINGS YOU CAN DO