Troublesome Topic: The Themes Covered in the Discourse of Matthew 24 and 25

Lesson 1 of 14

Matthew chapters 24 and 25 contain the longest discourse of Jesus on the topic of prophecy. In this discourse Jesus presented to His disciples the following sweeping themes:

1) The destruction of the temple will serve as a confirmation to you that “this era” has passed and a new era has begun,

2) I will make obvious the true purpose for which I have come,

3) I will also reveal myself in power someday,

4) Several things will take place first before these things take place,

5) You cannot predict the details of these things,

6) When they start to happen, you will know it, for they will be obvious,

7) Don’t try to figure out any more than what I have told you.

The next lesson is: The End of Which Age?