Troublesome Topic: Example #2 The Days of Noah

Lesson 2 of 5

Matthew 24:37


For as were the days of Noah, so will be

the coming

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As it was in the days just prior to the flood of Noah’s day, so it will be in the days prior to the glorious arrival of GOD’S ANSWER TO MAN’S PROBLEM.

Matthew 24:38


For as they were in those days before the flood, eating and drinking,

marrying and giving in marriage,

until that day

when Noah entered the ark,


This is how things were in the days before the flood: people were going about their daily routines  as if everything was normal, and they were making long-term plans and establishing long-term relationships as if everything would be normal for a long time; they refused to heed the warnings of THE COMFORT OF REST until the day he was no longer available to warn them;

Matthew 24:39


and they knew nothing until the flood came and took them all away; the coming

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of the Son of Man will also be like that.


they were clueless about the danger until the flood came upon them and swept them all away. The glorious arrival of GOD’S ANSWER TO MAN’S PROBLEM will be just like that.

The Coming of the Son of Man Will also Be Like That

People will be living their lives in what they consider to be normal ways, not paying attention to God, and they will be caught off guard. The people of Noah’s day should have known that a flood was coming for Noah had been preaching and building for many years. Some of them ignored him and were not ready. Some of them probably thought they had more time and were caught outside the vessel of salvation. This is another example in which people should have known that it was coming but they could not predict when. As the flood actually began, they knew it was true, they knew it was upon them, and they knew it was too late. The point is not to try to figure it out ahead of time, the message is “be ready because the timing is unpredictable.”

The next lesson is: Example #3 Two Working Together



Here Jesus used the word for “coming” which was usually used for “a king arriving on the scene to do what only he can do because only he has the proper authority.” It is sometimes translated “appearing or appearance.” It was a reference to Jesus showing His true power and glory. There are two words for “come” used in this passage. The other one is more ordinary meaning “come”, but can also refer to “an authority figure showing up to punish or reward.” While the context of this passage indicates that they were both pointing in the same direction, this is the stronger of the two words.

2: “the coming”

Once again this is the word for when a king shows up to do what no one else can do.