Troublesome Topic: The Benefits of Staying Home on God’s Day

Lesson 2 of 3

Staying home on God’s day puts family above work, and above pleasure. It gives us the opportunity to bring God and family together.

It gives us that opportunity, but we must make it a priority or other things will take over, and God and family will not be drawn together. We must discipline ourselves to put God above family, not to have our family time be all fun, and go, go, go, without showing our children the value of quieting ourselves before God.

The problem is that we have gotten used to utilizing “God’s day” as “our day.” We should not see it as a free day, but as a day already committed, already booked with time for God, family and fellowship with other believers. We should get to the point where we put time with God and with family on our calendar and protect those commitments tenaciously. If someone asks, “Do you have any free time this Sunday?” Your response should be, “Nope, Sunday is already booked.”

The principle of staying home to enjoy time with God and with family is not “imprisonment,” rather it is God’s gift to the family!

The next lesson is Is it Sin for Me to Leave My House on Sunday?