Troublesome Topic: Stop Focusing on Ease and Comfort

Lesson 7 of 8

The statement “I’m glad I didn’t live under the law of Moses” reveals something about us; it shows that we are focused on what is easy, what is comfortable. Put plainly, we are focused on self. We need to get away from such a self-centered focus.

God does not care very much about our comfort level. God cares more about our character than our comfort. He wants to grow us into something that will reflect His character and that process is usually painful. Read Isaiah chapter 53 about God’s suffering servant, Jesus. Notice How God uses and even celebrates suffering and sacrifice.

As long as we want life to be easy, we will be angry at God for every little thing that goes wrong in life. Well, guess what? Many things will go wrong every day. The world does not revolve around you. If you have a self-centered attitude you will have many opportunities every day to think negatively about God; but if you see difficulties as God’s tools for helping you grow, you will see challenges as proof that God sees great potential in you and is willing to take the effort to make you better. We should see suffering for the Lord as a privilege because it is a sign that He has chosen us as a reflection of Him.

Thinking that the Former Covenant was harder than the New Covenant also reveals how little we understand about the covenant under which we live.

The next lesson in the Full and Midsize series on Covenants is: The Wrong Direction