Lesson 11 of 20
  1. Rising water: Only the high ground was not affected by the water at this stage.

2. More people were feeling the need to move to higher ground. This would have created a massive refugee problem all over the world. And we can rightly assume that the refugees were not treated kindly.

3. There was also the problem of widespread crime. If they were a violent lot before the flood (and they were), who would expect them to act differently now?  Hooligans would steal as much food as they could carry, and even passive neighbors could turn into thieves and assailants without notice. In most places it was every man for himself.

4. As everyone moved to higher ground, the most violent thugs and criminals forced others to give up the highest places.


I want to focus on food shortages a bit more than the others.

Growing crops had already been a problem with the preflood drought that affected the entire world. This was followed by hurricane conditions for 40 days and nights, then followed by heavy intermittent rains. Those are not the conditions needed for growing crops. So, from the very beginning of the flood there were problems getting enough food. These got worse the longer people survived.

Their food storage facilities, which were already low due to the drought and then the heavy rains, were decimated by the earthquakes, the hypercane, tornadoes, explosions, etc. The lack of food quickly became a life-threatening crisis.

The most powerful people among them made sure to get their way and use their thugs to take food from others as needed.

What if they had greenhouses?

I don’t think they needed green houses before the flood, but I’m convinced they were capable of building them. If they did have green houses, those would have been destroyed by large hail, chunks of molten lava falling from the sky in some places, earthquakes, hurricane force winds, lightning and tornadoes.


What’s more they were unable to transport the little that was still available to the merchants and buyers. Whatever roads they had would have become impassable because of erosion from the heavy rains and cracks in the ground due to earthquakes, and liquefaction of the ground.

What about railroads? Would those have survived?

No. Have you seen what an earthquake does to railroad tracks?  Oops!

What’s more, lots of fast-moving water tends to cause erosion under railroad tracks. Thus, even though the rain and wind do not cause damage to the train itself, if the tracks the train runs on are damaged, the train will derail.

All transportation other than on foot or riding on a beast, would have been removed from them.

Let me remind you that large population centers require consistent and reliable supply chains. One small disruption can cause delays which tend to cause panic buying. The concert of natural disasters which was likely during the flood event, brought the supply chain to a halt. It brought everything to a halt.


By this time in the flood event, things were beyond critical for those still alive outside of the ark; life hung on the edge. While the wicked survivors were worried, they were probably also questioning God. “Why is God doing this to me? I’m not that bad.  Others are worse than I am. I don’t deserve anything this terrible.”

The next lesson in this study is PHASE 5.1  THE WATERS ROSE TO THEIR HIGHEST POINT