Troublesome Topic: My Dove, Your Face Is Lovely

Lesson 5 of 13

Song of Solomon 2:14



My dove

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in the clefts of the rocky cliffs,

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in the secret hiding places

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of the steep, inaccessible places,

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show me your face,

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let me hear your voice;

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for your voice is sweet, and your face is lovely.



My gentle one seeking security and safety, desiring a sense of confidence by finding a place of impenetrable protection, show me who you really are,

let me see deep down inside you,

for what is deep within you is pleasing; I find the real you lovely.

He starts out addressing her need for security, which is one of the most basic needs a woman has, but then he seems to change gears. At first glance it is not obvious why he brings in the part about what is deep within her. But it turns out to be a very powerful point. He is saying to her, in essence: “I hear your need for security, but listen to me, I love you for who you are deep down inside. I see more than just the outside. As the years pass and you no longer look like you did when you were twenty, don’t be concerned about that because I love what is on the inside even more than what is on the outside. You can rest secure in our relationship. I will be that place of strength and security you need. You have nothing to worry about, because I’m not going anywhere! I will always be here for you!”

Wow! That is language a woman can understand! That is just about the best thing she could ever hear! And not enough women hear it from their husbands.

The Song teaches us that marriage is more than making babies; it is a union of two souls; it is communion on the deepest level. For that to take place there must be vulnerability and trust. Contrary to what our emotions tell us, the safety and security that we seek is often found in making ourselves vulnerable to someone who loves us, not in building walls of self-protection.

The next lesson is: The Little Foxes that Destroy the Vineyard



A dove is gentle.


The clefts of the rocky cliffs are places of protection and safety. Also, the word for “clefts” sometimes means the “roosting place” of the turtledoves, and he just called her his dove.


“Secret hiding places” likewise are places of protection.


“Steep, inaccessible places” are usually on mountains, and mountains symbolize strength. The main characteristic of the steep places is that it is secluded, and protected since it is so hard to reach.


The face demonstrates your disposition and also what is deep down inside you; in Scripture, God’s face can be a sign of grace and favor, or one of judgment. No one can see God’s face and live because we are not capable of seeing all that God is. Turning one’s face toward someone means giving that person your attention. There is also the idea of one’s presence in the use of this word. In Song of Solomon there is no concept of judgment in the use of the word “face.”

6: “your Voice”

In the Bible we read of God’s voice thundering judgment, or of being an imperceptible whisper. The voice is similar to the face in that it is the expression of who a person is, it reveals what is deep inside a person. In this way it is similar to the “Word” of the New Testament, which is the manifestation of who God is. The voice and the word both give us insight into the real person.