Troublesome Topic: Low Self-esteem

By Audry Eberhard

For those that grew up in the era of teaching about low self-esteem, I fear much damage has been done to how Christian’s respond to past experiences in their lives. It is placing the blame on others for issues that I have in my life. It is true that I have been shaped by the experiences in my life, but I do not have to let them determine the outcome of my life. People that I look up to now in my life have accepted who they are and have allowed God to take those difficult experiences to help them develop godly character. They could have spent their time making excuses for why they couldn’t achieve anything in life because of past experiences, but instead they allowed those experiences to make them a better person through the Spirit’s enabling power. The self-esteem mindset has the danger of creating a mindset that I deserve certain things because God made me special and has a special plan for my life. The church should be teaching that I was created for God’s pleasure, therefore I need to live my life for His glory and accept suffering as the tool He designed to develop His character in me.

The next lesson is: Habits