Isaiah’s prophecy indicates that Jesus would be the Prince of Peace and Jesus was announced by the angels in Lk. 2:14 as the one who would bring peace. Peace to whom? To all people? Well, let me put it this way – He offered peace to all people.
Luke 2:14
“Glory to THEOS in the highest,
Go to footnote number 1and on earth,
Go to footnote number 2peace
Go to footnote number 3among men who have been recipients of His kind intentions.”
Go to footnote number 4Paraphrase
“May there be glory in the highest heavens to THE CREATOR AND OWNER OF ALL THINGS
and let there be peace on the whole earth among men who have been recipients of His kind intentions.”
Jesus was announced as the peace offering even before He got on that cross; He was announced as our peace even at the time of His birth. He makes true peace with God available, but only those willing to seek God will experience it. Although God’s kind intentions reach out to all people, we have to open our minds and our hearts to receive what His kind intentions offer us.
Consider other passages that confirm Jesus is our source of peace:
Isaiah 53:5
But He was wounded for our rebellious acts, He was broken for our depravity, the discipline for our peace was placed on him, and by his wounds we are healed.
Go to footnote number 5Paraphrase
But He was wounded because we were guilty of rebellious acts, He was broken because we had done perverse things, the act of discipline by which our peace with God can be secured was done to Him, and because of his wounds we are healed of our spiritual ills.
Ephesians 2:13
But now in Christ Jesus you who were once far away have come near by the blood of Christ,
But now, because of what Christ Jesus did, those of you who were once far away from God have been brought close to God by the blood of Christ,
Ephesians 2:14
for he himself is our peace.
because He and He alone is the source of our peace with God.
Colossians 1:19
For He (God) approved
Go to footnote number 6of having all fullness
Go to footnote number 7dwell in Him (Jesus)
God thought it was good for all the qualities of God in their fullest extent to be present in Jesus
Colossians 1:20
and by Him to reconcile all things to himself, having made peace by the blood of His cross, [yes, to reconcile all things] by Him,
Go to footnote number 8whether things on the earth or things in the heavens.
and through Him to reconcile absolutely everything to Himself, with nothing being excluded, nothing on earth, and nothing in heaven; this was possible because He had made peace with God for mankind by means of the blood He shed on the cross.
We know God accepted the peace offering of Jesus because God had already said He would accept His offering, “This is my son, the one I love, I am fully pleased with Him” (Mt. 3:17). The Father was saying, among other things: “Because I am pleased with him, whatever he offers me, I will accept.” When we apply that concept to the peace offering it would sound like this: “If He gives me Himself as a peace offering for mankind, I will accept Him as such.”
In the Former Covenant, after the peace offering had been sacrificed the priest and the offerer ate together. In those days eating together was a sign of peace because they never ate with someone they had a conflict with. When the worshipper and God’s representative (the priest) shared a few bites together after the peace offering, it was considered proof that God had accepted their request for peace and the relationship had been restored. After His resurrection, Jesus came back to His disciples and ate with them, confirming that He was the peace offering and that the request for peace had been granted. He offers to eat with us too. Rev 3:20 says,
Revelation 3:20
Look! I stand where I have stood many times before; [I have come all the way to your door,] and I am continually pounding.
Go to footnote number 9If anyone recognizes my voice and if he opens the door, I will come in to him
Go to footnote number 10and eat with him, and he [will eat] with me.
Go to footnote number 11Paraphrase
Pay attention to this! You have offended me with this missed opportunity; I have made you this offer many times in the past; in fact I am continually offering you another chance to repent. Whoever responds to my call, is willing to accept my offer of close fellowship, and demonstrates it through repentance, I will come close to him and reveal myself to him in a new way, and we will enjoy close fellowship with one other.
This means that if we accept the invitation of Jesus we will have peace with God, we will have a close relationship with God, and there will be open communication and unhindered fellowship.
The next lesson in the Full Series on Covenants is: Jesus Is Our Thank Offering
1: “in the highest”
The Jewish reader would most likely have sensed that the word “heavens” should be inserted here, making the phrase read “in the highest heavens.” If heaven is unreachable and unattainable to us in our own efforts, the highest portions of the heavens are even more unreachable to us. This is saying that God deserves glory in ways that are far, far beyond our understanding.
2: “on earth”
Note the contrast and comparison here between the heavens and the earth. It’s as if the angels were saying, “Here is what is going on in the highest reaches of heaven—God is being given the glory He deserves. But what about the earth? What is happening there? Good things are happening there too.” The contrast needed no explanation, for everyone knows that there is no evil, no violence, no death in heaven. But the main emphasis of the announcement, with its loud confirmation, was that a bit of heaven was coming down to earth. Some of that glory, some of that wonder, some of that purity which characterizes heaven, was now residing on earth. Likewise, there is a contrast between God and men. So we have heaven and earth, God and men, and Jesus is the one who can bring the two extremes together. He was born to provide reconciliation for the broken relationship between God and man, to offer the opportunity to unite heaven and earth.
Although it does not say “in all the earth,” that may be the intended meaning. Often this type of phrase using “the earth,” whether the world “all” is used or not, implies the whole earth, or all mankind. This was an announcement that the Prince of Peace had come to offer peace to the whole world. All of mankind are the recipients of God’s good and kindly intentions, but not all have appropriated them into their lives.
When you see the word “peace” in Scripture, remember that it meant much more than the absence of violence. It meant wholeness and wellbeing of a physical, emotional, relational, societal, and especially spiritual kind. This announcement showed that a new level of wholeness and wellbeing had just arrived on earth. True peace was available in a way that it never was before. All people are the objects of God’s kind purpose, yet not all men appropriate it to their lives.
4: “God’s kind intentions”
The key word at the end of that sentence can mean “pleasure, good purpose, favor, good will, kind intentions, something that produced happiness, satisfaction or delight.” Its focus is on a purpose or intent that is pleasing to the recipient and the giver alike.
When we hear the word “healed” we think of physical healing for physical ailments, but the context of this statement is clearly about the problem of separation from God due to sin. So the healing in mind is the healing of spiritual sickness, not physical.
The word I have rendered as “approved” is a combination of the words “good” and “to think,” i.e. “to think well of, to approve, to like, to be pleased with.”
The text only says “all fullness” but it can rightly be assumed that it is referring to all the fullness of God.
The Greek text uses the phrase “by Him” twice, causing a quandary when one tries to communicate it in English. It seems like the intent was to say the first part all over again in order to emphasize that nothing stood outside the reach of His reconciliatory work, but it was made shorter by leaving out most of it except the words “by Him.” It was expected that the reader would be able to assume the part that was left out. I have reflected that intent in the translation column on the left with the assumed part in brackets. Most translations clean it up by only expressing the idea once and leaving out the second occurrence of the words “by Him.” In my paraphrase column on the right I have cleaned it up for English, but also expanded it to show the full meaning.
I treat this sentence as one unit for the purpose of symbolism, hence this footnote will deal with several aspects of this sentence.
“stand” – The verb form for “stand” is perfect, meaning he has done this many times in the past.
“to your door” – See the full comment after the verse to read why coming all the way to the door demonstrated that something was wrong.
“pounding” – The verb form of the word “pounding” is present, meaning he continually does this or is continuing to do this, despite the offensive rejections he has suffered in the past. See the full comment after the verse for more details.
“Come into him” is a quasi-symbol: It is not that “come in” means to reveal or manifest one’s self, but rather that is the purpose.
11: "eat with"
In those days people did not dine with someone unless they were in good fellowship together. To extend an invitation to eat together was an invitation to a closer relationship. It was more about the relationship than it was the food.