Troublesome Topic: Jesus Celebrated with His Creation on the Sabbath of Creation Week

Lesson 3 of 3

When God walked with Adam and Eve in the garden, was it God the Father or was it Jesus? In other Biblical accounts in which it seems like God is taking human form (e.g. Melchizedec meeting Abraham, the “Angel” that wrestled with Jacob) we usually interpret that to be Jesus visiting earth prior to His big appearance. In the imaginary description that follows I will take the position that it was Jesus who walked with Adam and Eve in the garden.

I stated in chapter one that it is wrong to assume that on the seventh day of creation week God stayed in heaven and did nothing. That concept is based on ignorance. I believe God set aside the seventh day to connect with His creation, enjoy His creation and celebrate with His creation. Now I invite you to imagine with me what that may have looked like.

I picture them taking most of the day to run around like little children exploring their world and marveling at everything they saw. I imagine Jesus, Adam and Eve having a belly-laugh as they watched what we know as squirrels chase each other around the trunk of a tree.

I can see Jesus celebrating with arms raised in the air as some dolphins performed their spectacular jumps out of the water while Adam and Eve scream in each other’s face, “Did you see that!”

Then they all cheered for a kangaroo as it moved along the ground with its amazingly long jumps.

I imagine Jesus setting up the first foot race, a competition between an ostrich and a cheetah. (Haven’t you always wondered which one would win?) As they watched this race I picture the three of them cheering till they were hoarse, not really caring which one won, just enjoying with amazement what God had made.

I see Jesus showing Eve how soft is the fur of a koala, and how light is the weight of a butterfly. I picture Him rolling on the ground and laughing as the dogs tried to lick His face. I believe God loves to laugh!

I picture Jesus leading Adam around, possibly on a dead run, pulling Eve along by the hand, saying, “and let me show you something else.” “Check out this worm-like creature whose middle goes up and down when he walks. And look at this other one that has legs packed solidly on each side of his body, and they all work together to make him move. Now stop. Listen. Do you hear those birds? Listen to how varied their songs are. And check out this web made by an eight-legged creature; isn’t he a good architect? And, Adam, are you ready to feel small? Come. Get close to this big boy here, he has a tail like a cedar tree, and see the powerful muscles in his legs and belly? Why, he’s as tall as the trees” (see Job chapter 40 regarding the Behemoth).

We don’t know if there were clouds back then as there are now, but if there were, I imagine they were the first ones to lay down in the grass and identify shapes in the clouds that floated overhead.

In my mind I can see Jesus taking them to a waterfall and getting close enough to feel the coolness of its spray. I picture him showing them lots of flowers, some of which seem to have a flower within a flower.

They were celebrating!

They were connecting!

They were resting because rest is connecting!

(The next section in this topical study is called Preparing Produces Discipline. You can go to the first lesson of that section by clicking on this link: Prepare Ahead.)