YES! It is coming.
It will not just be America; the whole world is facing some very difficult times in the near future. At first the hard times will hit almost everyone, but later they will become focused on followers of Jesus.
I will not tell you what is coming, rather I am asking you to do your own research.
Look into the following:
The World Economic Forum (WEF)
The Davos Conference
The Great Reset
Environmental, Social and Governance metrics (ESG)
5G as a bioweapon
Claus Schwab
Take advantage of some good resources that are available. I’m sure there are many, but here are the ones that I am most familiar with:
Glenn Beck’s book The Great Reset
Daniel Horowitz’s podcasts.
In response to things that are happening in our world, there is an increasing level of interest in prophecy and what they call the “end-times.” But I fear that all this talk about prophecy is not helpful because it usually grows out of an incorrect interpretation of Revelation and other parts of the Bible.
Don’t be alarmed. We can be sure that there are a few things they will never succeed at, regardless of who rich and powerful they are. They will never succeed at stamping out God’s word or the witness of His followers. They will never eliminate the true church.
Will world-wide persecution prove the prophecy experts are right?
No, persecution of those that follow the Creator has come and gone throughout history. It is nothing new. If persecution engulfs the entire globe, it will be for a season of time that cannot predicted, and it will end up being one more swell of persecution among many.
We must focus on what the Bible teaches, rather than what is going on around us.
Do not assume that followers of Jesus will be whisked out of here before the persecution starts. I am convinced that such teaching is a faulty interpretation of what the Bible says.
The key issue is that 7 years of unique, world-wide persecution are not found anywhere in the Bible; the concept is a fabrication and an example of terrible exegesis (Bible study methods).
Therefore, if powerful people in our world have their way, and it results in a severe world-wide persecution of Christians, do not assume it will last only 7 years. It will likely last longer than that.
Even if the persecution includes economic measures that result in people not being able to use their bank accounts, and even if cash is done away with, do not assume the prophecy experts are right. It would only mean that a Thyatira style persecution has cycled back around, this time with modern technology on its side.
For the prophecy experts to be proved right there is an entire sequence of events that would have to take place, not just one or two things.
I repeat, we need to focus on what the Bible says, not what is going on around us.
Many times before, Christ-followers have thought, “This is it, it’s really here this time. This is the fulfillment of Revelation.” But each time they were wrong because they had the wrong interpretation of Revelation and other parts of the Bible.
Can we be ready for the Rapture or persecution at the same time?
Don’t be deceived! It is not as easy to be ready for both as you may think. Someone once told me, “I’ll just be prepared for the Rapture or the Tribulation.” I said, “No, it is extremely difficult to be ready for both, because they bring out totally different attitudes in us. If one focuses on the rapture and being ready to go to heaven, the learning curve will be extremely steep when unexpected persecution comes.”
The main focus of those wanting to be ready for the Rapture is to get out of here before things get really tough; accompanying this is the desire to be just pure enough to be acceptable to God. This is a self-centered thinking process which says, “I don’t like suffering, so I will do what I have to do to be exempted from it.” This stands in stark juxtaposition to the attitude of those who are suffering persecution right now. They say, “May God be glorified through my life, and even through my death. It is not about me. Whatever happens I will trust God and seek to live a pure life.”
The main focus of those wanting to be ready for the Rapture is to get out of here before things get really tough; accompanying this is the desire to do the bare minimum to get into heaven. This is a self-centered thinking process which says, “I don’t like suffering, so I will do what I have to do to be exempted from it.” This stands in stark juxtaposition to the attitude of those who are suffering persecution right now. They say, “May God be glorified through my life, and even through my death. It is not about me. Whatever happens I will trust God and seek to live a pure life.”
In America we have not been in persecution, thus we have not been reading Revelation with the need to find encouragement in persecution. It is my desire to prepare people for the possibility of persecution by helping them realize that the purpose of this vision is to encourage those facing persecution, not to give us details about what will happen in the future.
What is the difference between American Christians and Christians in other lands who are facing persecution?
The key difference is that we focus on accomplishing something for God, while they focus on simply being faithful to God. If we continue to want to accomplish something for God, we will want to preserve our lives so we can get more done. With an attitude of self-preservation guiding us we will choose to stay out of trouble, and not attract attention to ourselves. When small choices must be made, we will often choose the path that will give us longer time to accomplish more. As those choices get bigger and harder, we will be inclined to continue the same pattern of choosing to keep our doors of opportunity open by staying out of trouble. But that is exactly how compromises become our mode of operation. We should not stop actively serving Him, but neither should we place our focus on our accomplishments. We should leave the results up to Him.
I am confident that believers who are facing persecution at this time are having a powerful impact just by being faithful, come what may. They might not be around to see the results, but they are indeed being used by God in powerful ways.
How can we prepare for something if we don’t know when it will happen?
The biblical answers are these:
- By faithful endurance Revelation 13:10
- By vigilance and proper focus (the parable of the ten virgins, and the parable of the master’s return, both in Mt 25)
- By proper priorities (the example of the wedding day preparations, and the parables of the ten virgins, the master’s return, the talents, all in Mt 25)
- By how you treat others, and how you live the faith you profess (the parable of the sheep and the goats Mt 25)
What are some spiritual things I should be doing?
- Be in God’s word regularly
- Focus on praying for others not yourself
- Read and listen to people who will give you a biblical perspective on suffering (my favorite is Eric Ludy at
- Choose to take a stand for Christ rather than going with the flow
- Be willing to let go of anything physical or financial in order to hang on to what is spiritual
What are some practical things I can do?
- Turn off your 5G and use a lower level of cell phone service
- Buy from locally owned businesses whenever possible
- Seek a naturally strong immune system
- Distrust anything that shouts “big money”, e.g. big government, big pharma, big banks, etc.
May God help us love Him more than we love anything else, even our own lives Revelation 12:11.
The next lesson is: Don’t Freak Out Just Because Things Get Tough