Troublesome Topic: Intro to Solomon’s Life

Solomon is arguably the most misunderstood person in the Bible. His life causes us many concerns and brings up many questions. We are given more information about him than most people realize, but a full understanding of what happened requires some assumptions.

I have chosen to answer the common questions about Solomon by telling his story. Some of the details are clearly spelled out in Scripture, some are hinted at in Scripture.

If you read the entire story of his life as I present it in the following lessons, you will have most of your questions answered. I have placed most of my material about Solomon here, and created links to it from other places. For instance, you can go to Troublesome Topics and click on specific questions, but those questions will only bring you here to the part of his life’s story that will provide you the answer to that question. In my opinion, it is a better idea to simply read through his story in chronological order.

The only material that is housed elsewhere is stuff that is specific to his writings and thus fits better as an introduction to something he wrote. That applies to Proverbs, Song of Solomon and Ecclesiastes. They each have material that is not found in this “story” but there are links to them from here.

Although I present my material about Solomon’s life as a story, I have made no attempt to turn it into a real novel with all the elements that a true novel would require.

Either way you choose to go about it, please enter this study with an open mind, realizing that a number of the assumptions most people make about Solomon have been wrong. His was not a pretty, clean, and flawless life and I make no attempt to sanitize it. But neither was it as ugly as we have often assumed.

The next lesson is: Before Solomon Was Born