Troublesome Topic: Insecurity

Lesson 3 of 6

By Audry Eberhard

What about feelings of insecurity? Where do they come from?

When one is feeling insecure, they are focusing on themselves and what they lack in a certain situation. They are questioning if they have what it takes to fulfill a certain job or if they have something of value to offer others. Once again this is making each situation about them rather than allowing God to work His means of developing their character in them. Each believer is in Christ and that should be our identity, and if we are in Christ then He will provide what we need for each situation through His indwelling Spirit that empowers and enables for the circumstances of life. Our security must be found in Christ, He is the only sure thing we can count on in life because He is the same yesterday, today and forever.

The next lesson is: Low Self-esteem