Troublesome Topic: I Challenge Everyone To Think Differently and Seek God First

Lesson 13 of 14

Pray for One Another

– Pray for those that are divorced and alone because they are in a tough and confusing situation.

– Pray for those that are divorced and remarried because they will face lots of headaches and challenges.

– Pray for those that are married, so they can be a good example of what God intended a marriage to be.

– Pray for those that are not yet married to seek God’s best, and not settle for the world’s alternatives.

My Challenge

I challenge the young people to think differently about divorce and remarriage – and about sex in general. Ask anyone who has gone through a divorce with children involved – words cannot describe the pain and the heartache they face.

I challenge everyone to desire God’s very best and to actively seek more of God, regardless of your circumstances.

I challenge everyone who is married to do anything necessary to work out your problems. Begin working them out as soon as they appear, don’t let them get big.

I challenge everyone who is married to get good advice that is based on God’s word not on man’s psychology – look where man’s psychology has gotten us.

Even if God’s way is hard, God’s design is bigger and better than our designs

Each of Us Should –

Seek God first

            Seek God instead of self-satisfaction

            Focus on your relationship with God not on our problems

            Seek greater closeness with God

In the end, the important thing is not your marital status; the important thing is your closeness to God.

The next lesson is: Conclusion to the Topic of Divorce and Remarriage