Troublesome Topic: How Do I know My Trough Is Overflowing?

Although this is a heart issue, there are a few telltale signs of an overflowing trough:

< When my time with God is refreshing, and I look forward to it; I never want to miss it!

> When my life is Spirit-driven not task-driven.

> When ministry related activities (things like serving, loving, witnessing, and communicating truth) find me, I don’t find them. In fact, I don’t even go looking for them, rather they grab my heart and don’t let go. I am compelled to love, to serve, to witness because it is inside me.

> When serving God and others is bigger than I am. I am willing to spend myself serving in these ways, and I enjoy doing it.

> When joy characterizes my ministry and my life. Ministry doesn’t drain me because I am properly connected to the power source, and I am doing it for the right reasons.

> When my life is characterized by a deep love for Jesus. Everything I do, I do for Him not for myself.

> When I do things people call “ministry” without thinking of them as ministry, I just do them. I do such things telling myself “I have this wonderful opportunity and privilege of doing this,” rather than saying “I should do this.”

The next lesson is Don’t Focus on Productivity but on Closeness