Troublesome Topic: How Can I Hear God’s Voice?

Lesson 3 of 8

Get Closer to Him

The key to hearing God’s voice is relatively simple to understand, but hard to implement.

For most of the things mentioned in the preceding lessons the answer is to get closer to God by enjoying more time in His word and in prayer. He will reveal himself to you primarily through His word. We need to quiet our spirit in order to listen, and we need to train ourselves to listen.

The more our relationship with God develops the more clearly we will know what God wants for us and from us. The closer we are to Him the more open we will be to His calling, His nudging, and His demands.

We also must remove any blockages. In order to hear God’s voice, we must stop all activity which grieves the Holy Spirit!

There is no secret method, or three-step-process for knowing what God wants in a given situation. But we can be sure He always wants us to get closer to Him.

Realize that learning to hear God’s voice takes practice. The more you listen to Him the more you will be able to distinguish His voice from others that are clamoring for your attention. It is a relationship, so make a point of enjoying time with Him every day.

PS 46:10 says:  Be still,

Go to footnote number

and know that I am God.

The flip side of that coin is also true. The schemes of Satan gain a stronger grip in our minds the more we listen to them. Over time we not only lean in Satan’s direction, but we become convinced that he is absolutely right and there is no hope for us.

To undo those deeply ingrained messages we must saturate our minds and souls with God’s messages, and keep Satan’s messages out. Even this will be a slow process; it does not bring all the results we seek over-night. A change in our perception of self can happen, but it will come only through significant time in the presence of the Healer.

The next lesson is: Why Is God Silent?


1: “Be still”

The Hebrew verb used here means “relax, or sink down.”