1 Corinthians 14:36
Or from you has the word of THEOS gone out? Or to you only has it come down?
If you think you can make up your own mind on this matter, let me ask you these questions: Are you the only vehicle THE CREATOR AND OWNER OF ALL THINGS uses to disseminate His truth? Are you the only one to receive such truth? [Do you have the right to singlehandedly change what has been established for a long time?]
I don’t think it matters whether you interpret verse 36 as referring to the roles of women, or to speaking in tongues, or to general orderliness in their worship gatherings. The statement applies to women either singly, or jointly with other topics.
Let’s look at verse 36 as a summary, among other things, of the issue of the authority of men and women. Paul’s final point is this: “Even if you don’t like it, you don’t have the authority to change it. Trying to change these things would require taking authority that was not given to you.”
Is this different from what I say is the starting point and ending point for the issue of the authority of women? I say that a woman can take that authority for herself, but the consequence will be a disruption of the lines of authority that God established.
While the two statements sound different at first, I believe they are similar at their core. Paul says, “Don’t do it because you don’t have the right authority to change these things.” Is there something that is not stated but is assumed? I believe there is. Remember that what was not stated was usually more important than the part that was stated, and the part he left out was, “There will be consequences if you try, because there are always consequences.” Since I am not Jewish, I will try to spell it all out for you by saying, “You shouldn’t usurp authority even though it is within your reach. However, if you do so, there will be consequences.”
Consequences are the bottom line, so don’t ignore the consequences.
The next lesson is: Paul Knew there Was Opposition to These Ancient Principles 1 Cor 14