It has taken us several lessons to look at the principles taught by the food laws. That is because underneath those seemingly frustrating and incomprehensible food regulations of the Former Covenant are hidden spiritual truths so basic and profound, so beautiful and so demanding, that I fear the words I have put in these pages have not been adequate to describe them. Learn from this that, when it comes to God’s word, the things that seem confusing or incomprehensible often turn out to contain some of the most powerful truths.
Rather than running from the food laws of the Former Covenant, we should see them as the powerful teaching tools that they were. God used the food laws to remind them of His holiness, and to remind them to act like the chosen instruments that they were, and to teach them what is normal in God’s kingdom. This is powerful stuff!
I trust that you will now ask yourself, “How about me? Am I showing respect for what is holy? Am I living as His representatives should? Am I following God’s norms?”
Can we eat shrimp and pork and Rabbit today? For the answer to that question there are two options: if you are working your way systematically through this study on the covenants, be patient because the dietary laws of the Former Covenant will come again in the New Covenant; if you just want the answer to that question, you can jump to the study lesson called What Carries Over to the New Covenant and What Doesn’t?
The next lesson in all three series on Covenants is: What Made Sexual Sins Wrong?