Abraham was given a test, and he passed it. God told him that He would destroy all of Sodom and Gomorrah for their sins. Abraham pleaded for mercy on behalf of the righteous in that city. The number probably reflects righteous men and their families, not righteous individuals. God agreed because He is both holy and merciful. Abraham kept pleading with God for mercy based on an ever-decreasing number of righteous that might be in those cities, and God kept showing that He would be merciful on everyone for the sake of just a few righteous. However, there came a point when it was obvious to Abraham that judgment must come, so he stopped pleading with God.
This is an example of true prayer because it is based on God’s own character. He was asking God to show what He is really like. This would bring God glory and teach people the character of God. Abraham did not change God’s mind or alter God’s purpose; this was a test for Abraham, one which he passed.
God tested Moses several times by telling Moses that He would destroy all the children of Israel except him. In each case Moses did not argue that the people did not deserve punishment, for they did. However, Moses did show that he understood the character of God. He reminded God of the balance between His holiness and His mercy. In each case, I believe there were six such occasions, God “relented” from punishing everyone and only punished a few, not because Moses changed God’s mind and His purpose, for God had planned all along to reveal His holiness and Mercy at the same time. He “relented” from his spoken statement, which was only a test; He did not change His original purpose.
Elijah, Peter and Paul were used by God to raise dead people back to life. Their request was answered because it gave glory to God. I think that in each case, these men sensed that God wanted to do something special, or they perceived that a miracle at that moment would be fitting. They were in tune with God enough to be thinking what He was thinking. So they asked for Him to raise the dead person to life again, and in each case, God did it.
Hannah was barren, but asked God for a son and God gave her one. She was asking God for a favor, but he granted it because He is a loving father that blesses us with good things as much as possible without spoiling us.
Nehemiah 1:5-11 – his prayer reminded God of what He had already said. That is true prayer.
Zachariah and Elizabeth had prayed for children for a long time. It was a request for a favor, but God finally answered and granted that favor after they thought it was too late.
Paul’s prayers recorded in his epistles are focused on God’s work in and through His people. Paul prays for their growth, maturity, unity, and witness. These are all things that God has committed Himself to.
All Israel was asking for deliverance from Egypt and from Rome. This was a favor. God did deliver them from Egypt, but not from Rome. That’s the way it is when we ask God for favors.
The next lesson in this series is THE HEBREW AND GREEK WORDS FOR PRAY