I believe there were some people who disagreed with Nimrod; one of those people was a talented builder and leader of people who was one generation older than Nimrod, but once Nimrod gained control over everyone else, this man held his tongue in order to not lose his head.   His name was Mitsraim, but you can call him Egypt if you prefer. The name Mitsraim seems to come from a word which means “to bind, to fortify, to defend.” Mitsraim is the name for Egypt in the Hebrew Scriptures. (You may see his name spelled with a z; I am purposefully spelling it differently to give you a better idea of how it is pronounced in Hebrew.)

I believe that Mitsraim (the man) was a master at building with large stones (megalithic construction), sometimes using a single stone of extreme size (monolithic construction). I believe that once he was out from under the controlling fist of Nimrod, Mitsraim quickly found a place to settle (Egypt), and then he and his followers went crazy proving to the world that megalithic construction was better than Nimrod’s bricks. Mitsraim built the tools needed to precisely cut, move and polish stones of various sizes and densities, and he taught selected people how to do the same. I  am convinced that the pyramids, obelisks and statues of Egypt were built by Mitsraim and his followers.

As I developed my timeline from the perspective of Biblical history, it seems that they only had about 75 years to build the pyramids (green arrow on the left). Others that approach the question of timing from a totally different perspective also say that the pyramids were built quickly. But such was the drive and determination of Mitsraim and his followers. Like Mitsraim, Arphaxad (Ar for short), belonged to the first generation to be born after the flood. Ar died 597 years after the flood and 66 years after Babel (purple arrow). I think Mitsraim may have lived a few years longer than that (Orange arrow), long enough to complete the pyramids.

He was determined to make a major impression on this world – and he did!

Others were building impressive things in other parts of the world concurrently to Mitsraim. We find their megalithic structures all over the world.

Therefore, when it comes to moving heavy objects with human and animal power alone, objects of 50 metric tonnes – maybe, objects of 100 – 200 metric tonnes were moved with great difficulty, and 300 metric tonnes is probably the uppermost limit, and that after 350 years of pondering and trying.  If you want more info at how these numbers are arrived at, check out my short lesson called ADDITIONAL INFO – THE LIMITS OF USING HUMAN POWER ALONE.

But we can be confident that all those things had to have been built after the flood, and even after Babel. That is because the flood covered everything with thousands of meters of sediment which turned into sedimentary rock, and before the tower of Babel the people stayed together, they were not settling down all over the world.

The Eye of the Sahara, in Mauritania, is 40 kilometers or 25 miles, across. It is significant because some people think it was the site of the ancient city of Atlantis. I cannot say whether it was or was not the site of Atlantis. I can only say that IFFFFF it was the location of Atlantis, that means that Atlantis was built Post Flood because the flood deposited around 4,000 meters of sediment in that area.

The Giza plateau sits atop layers of flood-deposited sediment that are 4500 meters thick, that’s 14,763 feet thick. Thus, everything we see there today must have been built post-flood. The tallest Egyptian pyramid is 137 meters high, and it is thought that it was originally 147 meters high. But that is nothing compared to 4500 meters that would cover the area if they had been built pre-flood.

4500 meters of sediment would be 30 times higher than the 147 meters of the tallest pyramid!

Don’t believe any claims of something that is thought to be pre-flood (sometimes called “antediluvian”)– for nothing survived the flood!

It appears that Mitsraim wanted to be buried inside a high place. What would that communicate? Wouldn’t the intended message be that this person was also a god? Yet I believe God took him away before he could be buried there. But Mitsraim did not lead his people in the worship of the Creator God as described in the Bible, rather the serpent figured prominently in the art and religion of Egypt, and even on the head piece worn by the pharaoh and his wife. That would have to mean something like, “I am guided by the serpent” or “I rule under in the power of the serpent.”

Actually, serpents were revered in many parts of the world, Chichen Itza is another prominent example. Whenever we see a serpent in ancient art it is safe to assume that they were giving homage to the serpent of Eden and mocking the God that Adam and Noah had tried to tell them about. For instance, serpents over a doorway, like these in Peru, must mean that the serpent protects and guides those dwelling there and that anyone who enters that dwelling must submit to the serpent.

The people that came to Egypt after the wild Nile had calmed down have referred to those that built the pyramids as demigods, think semi gods – part human and part gods, even though I am convinced that is not possible. That was the level of awe they held for those who built those things. In other areas, such as Peru, the people also referred to those early builders as demigods.

I am convinced that megalithic construction methods were developed before the flood, and Noah and his sons taught their descendants how to do it. That is why people who settled in other parts of the world after Babel also knew how to build with large stones perfectly cut for each space, as we saw in the first presentation.

The next lesson in this study on Advanced Technology in Ancient times is ADVANCED TECH DISAPPEARED FROM ANCIENT TIMES