Lesson 9 of 9

The reason that two of the examples above were from private collections is that the Egyptian Ministry of Antiquities, along with the rest of the establishment (i.e. the academics, archeologists, tour guides, etc.), is committed to the mantra that the Ancient Egyptians built the pyramids and everything else with only simple hand tools made of stone, copper and bronze.

If someone shows them some of the evidence I have shown you today, they say, “Where are the tools they used?  We have found many simple tools but no advanced tools, therefore they did not have advanced tools.” (I will respond to this issue later.)

Some of the large stones used in making the pyramids exceed 200 tonnes, and some cross-beams that support the ceilings of some of the inner chambers of the pyramids are at least 70 tonnes. Yet the establishment perpetuates the idea that they were put in place by lots of men pulling on ropes. Granite weighs between 165 to 180 pounds per cubic foot and limestone is 150 pounds per cubic foot. When you see drawings of men pulling on ropes to move large stones, ask yourself the question, “Which weighs more, the stone or all the men pulling on it?”

They also discredit anything from a private collection because only they can authenticate that something really came from ancient times rather than being manufactured recently. In their minds, private collectors of these artifacts don’t know anything and cannot be trusted.

These keepers of all things ancient claim that anything with the Rameses cartouche carved on it must have been made by Rameses II (also called Rameses the Great). They ignore the fact that during his 70 years as a Pharaoh, he is known to have put his name on many statues, obelisks, and other things that he did not create. There is at least one stone that was abandoned while workers were in the process of grinding away things that were written on that stone and carving other things more deeply in their places. Other Pharaohs did the same thing. It is a fitting irony that Pharaoh Rameses the Great’s son, named Usermaatre, renamed some of the things his father had placed his name on. Every pharaoh that did this was saying, “it’s mine, has my name on it.”  

How do we know he did not make those things himself?  Just look at the quality of workmanship that went into the making of many of the statues in Egypt (they were smooth, well proportioned, with carefully made details), and then take note of the obvious lack of quality of the cartouches and other things scratched on them. It was nothing short of an act of vandalism!  The hieroglyphics were obviously added later with a hammer and chisel. The craftsman who made statue would never scratch those markings on it and leave them that way. When they scratched their markings on a beautifully made box, they couldn’t even make straight lines! The chicken scratching on these objects convinces me that the ancient Egyptians under the Pharaohs we read about were indeed limited to primitive tools, as the Establishment has stated.

But the evidence we can see today suggests that the pyramids, and all that other stuff, were not built by the Egyptian dynasties we hear about, rather they inherited those wonderful things and called them their own. Some suggest it was predecessors of the Egyptians, a dynasty Zero if you will, who died out and took their technology to the grave with them. Others suggest it was different people altogether who died out and the Egyptians moved in to take their place. I will come back to this in another session.

Why does the Egyptian Ministry of Antiquities not let anyone analyze any artifacts with high tech instruments? Why are people with high powered scanning devices forced to scan the pyramids from the outside to see if there are any undiscovered chambers in them? Worse yet, why is the Ministry of Antiquities throwing away large quantities of artifacts found underneath the pyramids?

They are dumping vases, bowls, and other artifacts into ravines and using bulldozers to push dirt over them. One batch that was thrown away and covered with dirt was estimated at 70 tonnes. Besides commercial implications, it appears they watch people to make sure they don’t analyze these artifacts carefully because it might threaten the narrative they have been repeating for so long. They might lose face. People might doubt if it really was Egyptians who built that stuff and ask if it might have been others. Those doubts are beginning to increase despite their efforts to suppress them.

In the sessions to follow we will talk about who the people were who did all these amazing things, what I think happened to them and their tools, how the Bible helps us understand the fuller picture of those times, and how it relates to you and me.

The next lesson in this study on Advanced Technology in Ancient times is ADVANCED TECH FROM ADAM TILL THE FLOOD