Biblical Manhood
According to what we see in the Song of Solomon, biblical manhood includes the following qualities:
He is the first line of protection
He uses God-given authority wisely
He knows when to be angry (see ruddy)
He does not think too much of himself
He is a wise provider that makes a living with integrity (see productivity/prosperity)
He holds to the right priorities
He is gentle with the words he speaks
He is gentle with his use of knowledge
He knows how to handle difficulties
He exhibits good character
He knows how to use his strength for good
He possesses a depth of spirituality that influences others
Biblical Femininity
According to what we see in the Song, biblical femininity includes the following qualities:
She possesses a deep spirituality
She follows God’s concept of beauty, not the world’s
She knows how to respect and admire her man
She willingly places herself under his authority
She knows how to fulfill her role in protecting the home from unseen dangers
She is the last line of physical protection
She holds to the right priorities
She exhibits good character
She is gentle with her use of knowledge
She offers her husband all the nourishment she can in a variety of ways
She is his biggest cheerleader
She knows how to handle the difficulties of life (she is velvet-covered steel)
The next lesson is: God Is an Idealist